Bilingual Lyrics to Popular Children’s Nursery Rhymes
Do you catch yourself singing your child’s favorite songs around 100 times a day? Sounds about right to us– which is exactly why singing popular nursery rhymes in the target language is an amazing way to practice your child’s second language. It’s an activity that your child already loves, but when you add the fact that music is highly effective for language learning and retention (check out our blogs on the benefits of music for language learning), you get the perfect language practice too! Your child likely already knows the melody, rhythm and words to their favorite songs in their majority language, so introducing it in their second language (for example, Spanish), is an easy way to interest them in practicing and associating the words in both languages.
There are so many ways to incorporate music into your day: you can play it in the car, blast it on your home speakers and kick off a dance party, sing them with your child before bedtime, play background music while doing another activity like coloring, and, our personal favorite, sing them along with your bilingual musical book. Easy right? This minimal effort activity certainly leads to big results as your little one learns to produce sounds in the target language and eventually, understand the meaning of new words.
Binibi’s bilingual and interactive musical books for toddlers and babies feature fun, catchy and popular nursery rhymes in Spanish, like Los Pollitos Dicen, that little ones have a blast singing and dancing along to. The audio plays in Spanish while the text features both the Spanish and English lyrics for facilitated language practice by your side.
In the PDF below, we’ve compiled the complete versions of some of our fan favorites featured in our musical books that make Spanish learning for kids fun and exciting: Los pollitos dicen (The Little Chicks), La araña pequeñita (The Itsy Bitsy Spider), Las ruedas del autobús (Wheels On The Bus), Cinco monitos (Five Little Monkeys), Si tú tienes muchas ganas de aplaudir (If You’re Happy And You Know It), En la granja de mi tío (Old Macdonald Had a Farm), Sol Solecito (Sun Little Sunshine). Use these lyrics to sing along in both Spanish and English as many times as your child would like. Remember, the more practice and exposure, the more proficient your child will become in the target language!